Brand Videos

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Event Crowd

'We are Open'

This video for Event Crowd was tailored to ignite excitement around their launch, capturing the essence of the events industry.

The video blends fast-paced visuals with an engaging narrator, reflecting the energy and innovation that Event Crowd offer.


'We are Draken'

This brand video was designed to resonate with Draken’s audience and reinforce their industry-leading position.

I focused on translating the essence of Draken’s commitment to quality into every scene, highlighting the brand’s standout attributes through compelling visuals and storytelling.


'The PT Business Accelerator'

This video for the PFCA spotlights their new online course, designed to stir enthusiasm and showcase the extensive value it offers.

The focus was on conveying the excitement and opportunity that comes with the course.


'If it aint broke, don't fix it'

This brand video for Situu, created for an awards ceremony, was a testament to agility and creativity under pressure.

With only 24 hours from scriptwriting to final edit, I sent the Situu team off, filming on phones to capture the essence of Situu’s brand.

Despite the tight timeline, the video was completed on time, showcasing Situu’s story.

Brand Videos

Event Crowd

'We are Open'

This video for Event Crowd was tailored to ignite excitement around their launch, capturing the essence of the events industry.

The video blends fast-paced visuals with an engaging narrator, reflecting the energy and innovation that Event Crowd offer.


'We are Draken'

This brand video was designed to resonate with Draken’s audience and reinforce their industry-leading position.

I focused on translating the essence of Draken’s commitment to quality into every scene, highlighting the brand’s standout attributes through compelling visuals and storytelling.


'The PT Business Accelerator'

This video for the PFCA spotlights their new online course, designed to stir enthusiasm and showcase the extensive value it offers.

The focus was on conveying the excitement and opportunity that comes with the course.


'If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It'

This brand video for Situu, created for an awards ceremony, was a testament to agility and creativity under pressure.

With only 24 hours from scriptwriting to final edit, I sent the Situu team off, filming on phones to capture the essence of Situu’s brand.

Despite the tight timeline, the video was completed on time, showcasing Situu’s story.